發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2007-12-28 Intramuscular Abscess (膿瘍) (3223) (0)
2007-12-27 MANUAL THERAPY CONCEPTs for ANKLE/FOOT: (2030) (0)
2007-11-29 陽明物治所討論題目:請提出coccydynia之運動或治療(包含原理說明) (5833) (35)
2007-10-31 Manual Therapy Concepts for Knee Complex: (2937) (1)
2007-10-15 Shoulder Resisted Movement的意義:Application for Real (兼談transmitted stress phenomenon) (5467) (25)
2007-10-13 Shoulder Complex的Manual Therapy Concepts: Complex for Cues (4477) (3)
2007-10-04 To 我的實習治療師們 (1613) (6)
2007-10-04 請寫出PF syndrome之可能biomechanical causes (23:00)截止 (3032) (26)
2007-09-28 Subacromial Imoingement: Differentiation and MWM Explaination (3353) (0)
2007-09-27 Tendonopathy細說分明 (2995) (0)
2007-09-22 談Wrist Complex:How to move (兼談Synkinesis application)_感謝喬與如熱情演出 (2998) (3)
2007-09-21 從spiral line看ankle sprain(請所有學生與治療師回答) (2330) (16)
2007-09-21 何謂五官(請學生回答) (5198) (15)
2007-09-17 Cervicothoracic Junction Self Mobilization: 對C8, T1之病人的運動 (1829) (0)
2007-09-17 Cervical Adherent Nerve Root手法: Lateral Glide (Better than Straight Pull) (2726) (3)
2007-09-17 Straight Pull: In Extension or In Flexion (以Anatomic Evidence解釋) (2933) (0)
2007-09-14 請所有同學Biomechanics之問題(截止時間96/09/16晚上20:00) (1106) (22)
2007-09-14 Tennis Elbow之探討: 真的是muscle嗎? (2930) (1)
2007-09-13 談Mckenzie's Exercise之"towards the pain", "into the pain" 與"away from the pain "之原理 (1301) (0)
2007-09-12 Hip joint_Lesser trochanter 的三朵花 (1226) (0)
2007-09-07 Brugger's Relief Position Exercise (兼談Stemosymphseal Syndrome)_蔡版 (2170) (0)
2007-09-06 消腫之Skin Lifting貼法 (584) (0)
2007-09-06 Extensor Compartment of Wrist (Dorsal Side)之探討 (1630) (0)
2007-09-04 Brugger Relief Exercise(本部門所有治療師與學生都請加入討論) (1971) (23)
2007-08-31 正張力貼法之材料 (594) (2)
2007-08-30 Pseudo Tennis Elbow: 以MWM之觀點探討 (5847) (1)
2007-08-22 Deep Friction Massage完整版-感謝少蓁與靜瑄協助 (15062) (23)
2007-08-15 MWM and SNAG: brief concepts and introduction (1105) (0)
2007-08-09 骨科理學檢查四要素(4 components of Orthopedic Physical Examination) (2922) (0)
2007-08-06 Pathokinematic Chain_My Last Work (590) (0)
2007-07-18 femur bone 的stress line 共有幾條? (1356) (17)
2007-07-12 腹肌與腰椎的關係 (3754) (17)
2007-06-25 Alexander's Breathing Technique (1570) (0)
2007-05-20 方向感 (355) (0)
2007-04-12 小雄雄的故事 (598) (3)
2007-04-12 技術考加分題 (2492) (5)
2007-04-11 Hip joint_Lesser trochanter 的三朵花 (744) (0)
2007-04-09 草上飛 (416) (6)
2007-04-09 Hip Joint (9727) (1)
2007-04-03 Ankle & Foot_Palpation & PE (2663) (0)
2007-04-02 真想念你們 (744) (3)
2007-03-27 筋膜放鬆----腳底筋膜炎 (5774) (1)
2007-03-27 一般筋膜評估 (1560) (0)
2007-03-26 肩關節的三個重要部位 (11359) (0)
2007-03-22 氣機導引影片 (578) (0)
2007-03-02 論文導讀journal meeting (2403) (0)
2007-02-12 氣機導引 (2065) (7)
2007-02-07 軟組織深層按摩(soft tissue deep friction massage) (14328) (31)
2007-02-02 腰椎薦椎化及薦椎腰椎化 (33008) (6)
2007-02-01 如何誘發及訓練前鋸肌與下斜方肌 (9469) (20)
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