目前分類:教學相長 (43)

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Shoulder Complex需要有協調的acromioclavicular (A-C), sternoclavicular (S-C), glenohumeral (GH), scapulothoracic joints, rotator cuff, 和 scapular stabilizer muscles以便產生適當的功能.
其中glenohumeral (GH) joints需要有muscular system的dynamic stabilization以維持其高度的mobility.

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  • 在Shoulder的動作中最容易引起問題的是Shoulder abduction
過了該點後又好了甚至可以舉起手到full range

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一般我們說Tendonopathy (tendon病變)會以tendonitis稱之

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Wrist complex
包含: radius, ulna, carpal bones & metacarpal bones.(:基本上carpal bone 將她視為一體)

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一般ulnar neuropathy或C8-T1之病人
我們常發現其CT junction flexion deformity

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Straight pull是一個logitudinal force為主的手法
而cervical nerve root與brachial plexus(見圖)之走向較偏橫向(transverse)

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Duracordbrain的外緣組織, 本身也需要有適當的tension來維持其integrity和血液循環,所以我們可用pull之手法來達成治療之效果.

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原發性的網球肘(primary tennis elbow)並不常見. 通常患者很難直接指出受傷之機轉甚或某些動作的overuse. 如果無法從history中找出外在的致病因子,此時內在的因子變化便需加以考量並測試。一般相關的內在因子包含的部位有cervical spineelbow joint本身以及wrist. 這些部位彼此間有neurophysiologicalneurological以及mechanical的相互關聯性。

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  • Homeostasis 是生物最重要的一件事
    • 從生化方面來說:

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介紹 Lesser trochanter 的三朵花

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人的locomotor system必須muscle balance才能維持縮joint congruence。而這些肌肉因受fetal position(見圖)之影響某些特定肌肉會較易locked short 或hypertonus (facilitated), 如upper trapezius, suboccipitals, erector spinae, iliopsoas and hamstrings. 另外有些會因我們neuro-development的關係身體要維持erect position而較易locked long 或hypotonus (inhibited), 如lower trapezius, deep neck flexors, deep abdominals and gluteals. 當這些情形發生時我們的身體將無法維持joint congruence。

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在 wrist之dorsal side有6個 extensor compartment
Compartment 1(位於radial bone的側面): Extensor pollicis brevis、Abductor pollicis longus(靠radial side) 

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Pseudo tennis elbow: 

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DFM ( Deep Friction Massage)

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Bone Signs: They cannot be seen from the outer contour of our body. But we should definitely  see them from the posture.
Joint Signs: The major joint function is movement.  Therefroe, we are able to check the joint fnction by movement tests.  Dr.Cyriax proposed the selective tissue tension test to further examine the dysfunction of various soft tissue of the joint.

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介紹 Lesser trochanter 的三朵花

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        髖關節屬於ball and socket joint,穩定性很高的原因有兩個:
1. 內部有很大的負壓(約-6kpa)。2. 外部有很多大的肌肉群包覆著

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觸診 (Palpation)
1.   1st MP Joint: 摸到joint line之後,畫出上下兩塊骨頭的形狀,可看出有無拇趾外翻(hallux valgus)

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